Fred Wilson loves Piedmont

One of our contributors ("the Geek") is a regular reader of Fred Wilson's blog. Fred is a famous startup investor in NY who blogs about... well, techie things.

So it was with great surprise (and pleasure!) that he came a across this quote when Fred described his month-long holiday trip from Rome to Paris"our major stops were Lake Como, Cote D’Azur, Provence, Barcelona, San Sebastian, Bordeaux, and Paris. Of those, I would say Provence and San Sebastian were probably my favourites. I also loved the Piedmont wine region in Italy (Alba)..."

Is there anybody who comes to Piedmont and doesn't fall in love with it?!

Being a geek himself (and in investor in the company) Fred bookmarked all the 131 places he stopped at using Foursquare. His Piedmont stops are number 15 to 19.